Collective Worship
As a Church of England School our ethos based on Christian values is important to us. We have a three year rolling program of Values which are introduced through our Collective Worship program.
Each Value has a focus; this could be a relevant Bible theme, fiction story or focus on a famous person (living or dead).
Acts of Collective Worship include stories, songs/ hymns, prayer/ refection. They may use visitors, drama and visual stimuli such as artefacts or power point presentations. Children are encouraged to lead Collective Worship too.
We update parents and carers about the values through our regular newsletter about Collective Worship, Religious Education and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education. Here we update families about some of the content but we also give some key questions for families to consider together.
Please see Mrs Spencer should you have any questions regarding Collective Worship or the newsletters
Harvest Festival
HARVEST- Covid style!
This year we celebrated Harvest in class bubble Collective Worship sessions and then brought our Harvest gifts to the hall where we created a huge display of gifts. Children then came back to see all the gifts and enjoy the Harvest displays after their Collective Worship time. The Year 4 children took part in the Diocese Harvest Service from St Albans with Mrs Spencer, and we also learnt about the importance of beekeeping to farmers in Nepal as part of our support of the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal.
Ours displays made in classes, as we learnt about the importance of a good Harvest all around the world, were
- A WW2 Harvest by Year 4
- Harvest of the Sea by Year 3
- Harvest Festival by Year 2
- Harvest of the Hedgerows by Year 1
- Harvest of the fields by Year R
- A Harvest story ‘The Little Red Hen’ by Ducklings
Can you see which are which in our photos?
The Dunstable Foodbank were amazed by Parents generosity when the food was given to them. They wrote a lovely letter to thank the school community. The Homeless Night shelter were also really grateful for the gifts given. The Bishop will write to thank us when all the Nepal Appeal contributions are collected from schools in the St Albans Diocese.
Thank you again for your generosity!
Remembrance Day Assembly
Hooked on Worship
The value for January was Hope. The team leading Collective Worship was Bella, Brody, Eva, Felicity, James K, James M and Lily-Jayne. They showed hope through hoping their football team wins and hoping their friend got better. They reminded everyone about stories of hope in the bible, when Noah hoped the dove would find dry land as God promised, when friends of a lame man hoped Jesus would heal him, when Jesus’ disciples hoped Jesus would calm the storm and when Jesus hoped he would be able to go through with the crucifixion.
The Hooked on Worship team did another great collective worship on 3rd December summarising their thoughts on the value of peace. They contrasted animals who were free and peaceful compared to being trapped in cages, how different styles of music can make you feel peaceful or chaotic and how classrooms and playgrounds can be peaceful places or the opposite! A remembrance poem was read by Olivia and Esme from Robins class and we were reminded about stories in the bible that include a dove of peace. The children enjoyed singing too. Well done to Max B, Abbie, Jessie, Zahra, Olivia, Esme and Leah for working so well together and producing a very thought provoking assembly.
Our first ‘Hooked On Worship’ team of this year presented their Collective Worship on Tuesday 5th November all about healing. They were Eloise, Helena R, Freya M, Freya H, William, Grace and Rory.
They created a play about hurting themselves in the playground and how Mrs Voyce, the ambulance crew and doctors and nurses helped heal them.
Bible stories were also summarised about healings by Jesus and his disciples. The history of healthcare in the UK was also explained.
We also sang and prayed. The team did such a good job and despite being a little nervous at the start presented their ideas brilliantly – well done team!!
Our School Prayer
Querk – A Special Visitor to your Home
Querk lives at TSG and has a special job to teach us about festivals and celebrations. Querk goes home with different children who look after him and complete a diary entry all about their special celebration. They then share their diary entry with the school in Collective Worship.