Header Image Toddington School

Consider TSG for your Child

‘Lighting a spark in every child’

Points you may wish to consider if you are looking for a school in the local area include:

  • TSG Children are really super!
  • TSG Key Stage 1 results have been significantly above national averages for 5 years in maths, writing and reading.
  • Ofsted graded the school as Outstanding in last full inspection and in the 2011 data review of the school.
  • There have been no indications over three years of a consistent decline in our strong results.
  • TSG is known for fantastic care and concern for children as learners and individuals.
  • There is excellent commitment to teaching of children with specific needs modelled by the outstanding work of the Hearing Impaired provision.
  • We retain skilled, experienced staff who respond to guidance and input and enjoy developing the school for these children.
  • We have a determined approach to ensuring positive behaviour so children can learn.
  • TSG is well respected in the local community and used by the local community on a regular basis.
  • The school provides a wide range of co-curricular opportunities
  • We have retained strong external providers for extra-curricular activities.
  • Our parents responded to our Parent Survey and we enjoy fantastic parent support through our Parent  Governors, our PTA and the Parent Forum.
  • Students and teachers, volunteers and parents ask to come and work with us; we also support other schools.
  • TSG has developed an excellent relationship with our local middle school (Parkfields) and provide excellent transition links.

We will be very pleased to welcome you to view the school and an appointment can be arranged with Mrs Barnish (School Office Manager, 01525 872360,Option2 on the answerphone).


We have 2 forms in each year meaning we can take 60 children into a year group, apart from our Nursery which can admit 29 pupils in each session.

What our Parents/Carers have said

(Parent survey 2012 / Parent letter of thanks 2015/ Parent /Carers survey 2018) 

“We moved here for St George’s. It has been a great decision”
“It is a fantastic school; we can’t thank you enough for the difference it has made to our child moving to TSG”.
“I feel truly lucky that TSG is our local school”

What Ofsted said

The school continues to offer outstanding education (2011).
Transition from Year R to Year 1 is good with some outstanding practice (2012).
The school remains graded Outstanding (2015).

What SIAMS said

The distinctiveness and effectiveness of St George’s as a Church of England Academy are outstanding. (2013).
The school’s vision is ‘Lighting a spark in every child’, which embodies the distinctly Christian belief that every child is equally loved and valued for all that they are in the eyes of God. In living out this vision, the school strives to ensure that each child has the best opportunity to achieve, learn, grow spiritually and be a valued member of the school community, irrespective of personal identify or need. The Christian vision sets the direction which is underpinned by clear values; these are reflected in policy and practice and this underpins the whole school curriculum and behaviour policy with particular relevance to inclusion. (DBE SIAMS Health check (2017)

What Social Care said

“We have recommended the school for the excellent pastoral care of children with needs” (2012).“We work well with the school and know their commitment to every child as a unique individual” (2015).
‘The school is known to be tenacious in its determination to safeguard young children’ (2017).

What the School Improvement Partner said;

“This has been another very effective year for the school. Pupils at each key stage have made very good to excellent progress to achieve standards that are very high in relation to national averages and expectations.
Overall, this means that achievement in the school is outstanding. The school is very successful at supporting vulnerable pupils to achieve well, as demonstrated by the majority of the data for vulnerable pupils without learning needs.  
This is due to a combination of early identification, well-matched interventions and close monitoring of progress”.  

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